
School Appeals Services – SEN Support
Written by Matt Richards – 1st May 2024
We are pleased to announce that we are now able to assist parents who are looking for support in respect of securing an EHC Plan for their child or are fighting a school / local authority to provide the necessary services for children with Special Needs / disabilities.
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We are extremely fortunate to have secured the services of Mr Nabil Dance who will be handling this work on our behalf. Nabil is very experienced in this sector and has recently returned to us after a period away and is keen to help any parents that would benefit from his services.
As well as a huge breadth of experience in the area, we are aiming to provide a somewhat different and better service than other providers / solicitors out there.
For example, we are offering a free 20-minute consultation to discuss your case, which is no obligation and no cost. We also, for those clients who engage us, will provide a guarantee that we will speak / advice you out of office hours if necessary. We pride ourselves on not simply being a ‘9-5’ company, as we understand that many parents would like to discuss / have meetings either early evening or at weekends. This is something that we are happy to provide, and we feel sets us apart from much of the competition.
If any parent wishes to discuss their potential SEN or other education legal matter with us, please go to the Contact Us page and we will be pleased to have that initial free, no obligation chat with you.
Will your appeal be a face-to-face or a virtual hearing?
Written by Matt Richards – 3rd March 2024
One of the questions that we get asked on a regular basis is ‘how will our hearing be conducted’. Pre COVID, just about every hearing in the country was conducted face-to-face, these hearings were either in council premises, community centres or hotel conference rooms. Occasionally, although not recommended, appeal hearings would be held in the school themselves.
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With COVID, meaning that restrictions were placed upon public gatherings, the Government brought in regulations that enabled appeals to be held either by virtual / video hearings, by telephone or even by written representations only.
As the COVID restrictions eased and life went back to relative normality, the Government then stated that going forward local authorities / schools would be able to undertake their hearings either face-to-face or continue to use the virtual / video format. It is impossible to tell you exactly who does what as local authorities / schools can vary this, but my guess would be that the majority of schools / local authorities undertaking appeals are still using the virtual / video system. There are some authorities such as Dorset County Council and a number in the Northwest of England that have gone back to face-to-face hearings. Both formats work relatively well – technology permitting for the virtual / video hearings.
My preference from a representational and parental perspective would be for a face-to-face hearing. It is simply easier to build rapport and to get your case across when you are in the same room as the people who are deciding your case. However, as time has gone by, and local authorities / schools have become more proficient at undertaking video / virtual hearings, these now run relatively smoothly, and some parents tell me that they are more comfortable being able to undertake the appeal in their own home as opposed to having to go to a neutral venue which seems very much like a ‘job interview’ situation. Many parents have said to me that the stress levels, which are already high, for any appeal are less with the video / virtual format.
My feeling is that as time goes by, more and more appeals will be done using the virtual / video hearings, this may simply be because or the cost advantages because schools do not necessarily have to hire expensive conference venues / facilities therefore there is a cost saving for them using the virtual / video format.
Secure the school of your choice – new additional of our top selling book
Written by Matt Richards – 1st March 2023
We have today launched the new version of our best-selling book on school admissions and appeals titled ‘Secure the School of Your Choice’
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First published in 2002, this book has now had 7 additions and is updated every time there is something new that we feel parents need to know in relation to the appeals system.
This version deals with the new School Admission Appeals Code of Practice 2022 and outlines the key changes in the new Code of Practice and how it impacts directly on appeals.
Other additions include how the video / virtual hearing system has impacted appeals and provides some advice on how best to utilise this system to undertake a successful school appeal. Now at over 150 pages with lots of examples of templated letters / appeal material, it is available on our website for £12.99. This price has not changed now for over 10 years!
It is without doubt the most up-to-date appeal book that you can buy anywhere in the UK.