Our Guide

The Guide is updated regularly, unlike any other book available out there and the most recent version which was rewritten in February 2023 includes the most up-to-date information in respect of appeals, such as information relating to how Covid 19 has changed the appeals process and how best to undertake face to face, video and telephone hearings, all of which are now permitted under the 2022 Code of Practice. The Guide is probably the only publication out there which deals with the new School Admissions Appeals Code of Practice 2022 and the implications that the Code has for parents who are appealing.
For the first time, Matt Richards as an experienced professional with many years’ experience of dealing with and advising on School Admission Appeals, has written an invaluable guide for all parents appealing or thinking of appealing for their school place. The Parent Guide, which is written in plain English, designed to cut through the overtly legal language that can be confusing to those not familiar with this area, will significantly improve any parents’ chances of success on appealing. The Parent Guide looks closely at a number of areas and provides valuable templates in terms of information requests and appeal form documentation. It also includes recent decisions of the Local Government Ombudsman and Education Funding and Skills Agency in respect of appeal issues.
The Parent Guide covers key topics such as the legislative framework, dealing with your admission authority, how to prepare and present your case to make it stand out from the crowd and what not to say and do at an appeal hearing.
As outlined above, unlike any other publication you will find on school admission appeals, the Parent Guide sets out four example grounds of appeal drafted by Matt Richards that have been successful at hearings (suitably anonymised) and template letters, all of which can be tailored to your own personal circumstances.
The Parent Guide costs only £12.99 so for the cost of a round of drinks you can be in a position to hopefully win your appeal and secure your child’s educational future for the next few years. There are advice leaflets of a dozen or so pages that you buy on the internet and also other books, but they do not compare in terms of the authors experience and the depth of information provided in this publication.
So, if you wish to buy the Parent Guide, please use the ‘Buy it now’ button below and you will be able to pay via using PayPal or using a credit card. Once you have paid you will be directed to a page where you will be able to download the book instantly and then either save the link or save the document to your device.
You can then read the book at your leisure and refer to it whenever you wish to do so. Please note this is a PDF download and we do not post out copies.

Parent Guide – £12.99
(Please wait to be redirected back to our website after purchase, where you will find the download link).
However, for many the book is very helpful, but they require more advice / help. If you are in that position, then please look at the ‘Our Services’ pages or contact us on 01279 731 180.